Shining The Light On Knowledge


Brother Rakem Ma’at Bey began publishing in 2018 with, The Koranic Study Guide: a guidance for interpreting the Moorish Holy Koran. Since, he has published several titles all with the focus on propagating practical Islamism, as the Prophet.


Rakem strives to live all aspects of life accordingly to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; to continually hold title of ‘Faithful.’ Authoring books is one other avenue he sees as living the life and giving back to the Moorish Community and teachings that raised him from being a nigger to a Moorish American Moslem.

Rakem has taken the thorny path through life. He toiled years in the Maryland DOC, finding the Prophet, following the Prophet and then acquiring a good European education; and setting his house in order. Rakem holds a BA from the University of Maryland and two master’s degrees from University of Maryland Global Campus.