Shining The Light On Knowledge

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Dr. Marie Charles initially taught as a primary class teacher before moving into pedagogical research and teacher education. With a career spanning over 30 years, she has taught across the range from young children to adults in Higher Education Institutions in the UK, USA (North Carolina, California, New York), United Arab Emirates, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Canada. Dr Charles is a specialist in modeling in classroom situations the range of formative teaching methodologies including guided group working, the use of differentiation and the development of learner autonomy. Dr Charles has published extensively in international peer reviewed journals and is the co-author of a trilogy of research-based books on formative teaching based on multi-modalities and multi-literacies. Dr Charles is also the Director of the Many Faces in Teaching [MFIT] organization which gathers and publishes research-based programs to empower the learner and facilitator/teacher.

Marie Charles has a doctorate in Cultural Studies and Humanities with a special focus on curriculum writing and reconceptualised a curriculum programs called ‘Reframed Units of Change’ (RUoCs) in 2019 and was published in the Journal of Black Studies. She has also designed, developed and delivered workshops for the UK Teachers’ Unions on the themes of racial diversity, systems of classification and power; the school-to-prison-pipeline and myth making to myth-breaking all within a socio-cultural - historical framework.

Dr. Charles has developed a teaching program around the Genesis of Geometry which is linked to our African origins and the subsequent migrations out of Africa, with a focus on the material culture that our ancestors, conceived, developed and sustained over many millennia. MFIT exists to hear the agency of those who are reacting and responding in such a way; that we want them to know that these structures are always contingent, tentative, provisional, and therefore, subject to transformation.